Just a couple more weeks until Mom and Dad get here and we head to Florida! WooHoo!!!
double rainbow

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Loretta is all about her new bike. She absolutely loves it. She also loves the boy who lives next door. He rides up and down our street doing tricks and she just sits and stares, so infatuated. So we weren't all that surprised when she started doing tricks on her red trike, but were quite impressed when she was doing them on her two wheeler after having it for 1/2 a day ;o)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hey, I'm not a little smartie pants!
I'm a BIG smartie pants!
Things are well here. Caroline is crawling and pulling up, but still seems a bit away from walking. She does say "hi" and "Dada" and "Mama". Loretta continues to grow like an amazon child. She's 41 inches tall now!
We all have spring fever in the Tarnuzzer house, but today is BEAUTIFUL, 80 degrees and sunny. All weekend should be nice. We picked up a new wagon thanks to a Christmas gift from Aunt Trish, Uncle Chris and Jordan. Here's a special thank you:
And a call out to Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Paul:
Love to all!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Officially a Peanut

Caroline had her 9 month checkup yesterday and she is officially a peanut. She's in the 60th % for height and the 10th % for weight! Doc said not to worry about her weight, she's doing great and she just recently started crawling like a speed demon so it's natural to have the weight gain slow slightly for a short time.
Poor girl was a basket case after her shots, but took the blood draw finger prick like a champ. She's really doing well and she's so smiley and happy, but much like her sister she let's you know when she's not pleased with conviction.
She did the sign for eat the other day at daycare. Our baby is growing up!
More later and much love!
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