Caroline had her 1 year check up last week. She's doing great, but so much smaller than Loretta was at her 1st. Caroline is 18 lbs 12 oz. She doesn't weigh enough to turn her car seat around. She's 30+ inches long. That puts her in the 10th percentile for weight, but the 75th percentile for height! How did I end up with these two slender amazon girls??? She's talking a little bit more, will say dog now, but still pretty conservative with her speech, but in no way quiet. She's constantly gibbering or singing. I have a feeling she's going to go directly from mama and dada to full sentences - telling her sister to back off and give her back her toy ;o)

Speaking of our little toy thief...Loretta has fallen absolutely in love with swimming and she's doing a fantastic job. We signed her up for Pike swim classes (the first level after parent child swim) and after the first class we were told to take her from a 3 bubble float to 2. By the next class we were told she could move up to Eel for next session. She's been swimming underwater and has no fear. So much so that she jumped in the pool after I removed her bubbles (after I said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!") and sank right to the bottom. I thought I was going to have to jump in clothes and all, but at the last moment she pushed off just enough to reach my hand. The Blake's were kind enough to give us their pool when they moved. It's big, big enough for a filter and for Loretta to have a blast, but she can touch the bottom. I think it's made her even more confident in the water, but we'll be keeping a close eye on our little daredevil.
That's all for now. Much love!