She's really a sweatheart this girl of ours. Such an easy going babe. But when she's angry - stand back - that girl has no fuse at all just immediate self destruction.
Loretta is seeming so old to me now. I have to remind myself that she's 3 all the time. She's showing signs of real compassion and understanding. She also knows when she's been wronged and isn't afraid to let you know it too. I like that she sticks up for herself. She's a tough cookie and demands fairness and her due. She's also stubburn as a bull, but I have no idea where she gets that from ;o)
Loretta has also become quite the picture taker. She loves taking our camera and snapping shots of anything and everything. More often then not, she ends up with something pretty amazing.
Last, but certainly not least, Happy Birthday to Grandma T!!!! We love you!
That's all for now, take care.