We've had a wonderful few weeks full of pumpkin picking, apple picking and decorating for Halloween. Loretta had a Tea Party with some friends yesterday and it was a good reminder that the girl needs regular "girly" play dates. She's grown up around boys, with the exception of our her friend Ainsley, there is Devin and Alex and the 9 boys in her daycare class. She's the only girl and it shows. But, it the midst of tackling and throwing balls she still manages to do or say something really girly. She sings Ariel and just this morning told me she wished she had boobies like me (some day baby girl!). Caroline is doing wonderfully, she's talking more and more and finally has some more teeth, not that it's helped her appetite much. The girl would live on banana and cream cheese on waffles if we let her. She's doing everything her big sister does down to whispering secrets in my ear (full of spittle as she says sps sps sps psps). She is looking more and more like me and my mom. John is doing great and nurturing his artistic side some. I'm doing well too, but feel a bit like I'm in limbo waiting for an answer about returning to work on Fridays.
That's all for now, please enjoy this lovely rendition of "Part of Your World" by Loretta. Wait for the graceful close to the song, it makes it so worth while.
Love to all!