I feel so blessed. I have so much to be thankful for and I'm not just talking about being reflective of my own good fortune over the Thanksgiving holiday. I have, for much of a year now, been rather in awe of my life and I'm always trying to find the right word to describe my feelings. I've considered words like; lucky, fortunate, prosperous, fortuitous, but I keep coming back to blessed. I have to admit that I feel somewhat hypocritical b/c in my mind blessed implies some level (typically a high level) of religious beliefs. I'm not a religious person. I love the idea of religion and faith. I have the utmost respect for the people in my life who are religious and honor their faith by attending church. I would even say I've had a wide and varied opportunity over the last 2 decades to get to know and learn about several denominations and while I was moved, without a doubt, by some no one experience ever took hold in my heart. Still, when I think about my life and just how fortunate I am, I always come back to feeling blessed. So, recently I looked up the definition and while there are numerous definitions that describe the religious connotations of the word there was one definition that worked well for me: blessed adj 4. characterized by happiness or good fortune a blessed time. Here's hoping that this blessed time lasts a very long time!
I realize I owe everyone some updates and I also know that if I don't do this now there is a very good chance that I'll simply get out of the habit of updating this blog.Samuel Andrew Tarnuzzer was born on August 28th (his grandmother's birthday) weighing in at 9lbs 9oz and 21" - he is truly the sweetest, happiest, most loving child and there certainly is something amazing and special about the mother/son bond. He smiles like a great big toothless, wide mouthed, jack-o-lantern with his eyes looking off to the side. It's hard to describe but it will absolutely melt your heart. The girls absolutely adore him and are wonderful big sisters (except when they wake him up which is often ;).We sold our house and moved to a larger one closer to RI where I will be relocating early next year - it was a crazy time with the closing 2 weeks after Sammy's birth and the move 2 weeks after that, but it allowed us to have some major work done on the new house before we moved in. The house is wonderful and the land is beautiful. John has promised me a tree swing and we hope to put a deck/screened in porch off the back next spring. The neighbors are welcoming and we are thrilled to be there.
Meaghan came in October and it was such a wonderful visit. I'm always amazed how Meg and I can take up right where we left off whether it's been a couple days since we last saw each other or over a year. As always, she's an inspiration to me and I started "reclaiming" my body right after her visit (I refuse to diet). Unfortunately, I slipped a bit while in Tupelo (well worth it) but have to get back in the game b/c I want to fulfill my personal goal of being a hot mom someday. I have gorgeous children and a gorgeous husband and I don't like the idea of people thinking how'd she land him? or, thank god those kids got their looks from their dad! ;)
We just returned from spending Thanksgiving in Tupelo which was amazing. There were no major illnesses or injuries to speak of! My Grandma Clifford came down and we had an age range of 3 months to 90 years, add in two dogs a cat and a little girl who decided on her own it was a good time to start potty training and it was an eventful, crazy, wonderful time. So many cute things happened while we were there, here are just a few:
- Caroline called Great Grandma Clifford "Clifford the big red dog". I believe it was "Where Clifford Big Red Dog go?"
- Loretta got angry with me for forgetting a drawing she had made and gave me the death sign where you draw your finger across your neck with a spitting mad look on her face (I have no idea where she learned that but I almost died laughing).
- Loretta got very adept in playing some difficult games on the computer impressing us all.
- Caroline, as mentioned above, decided it was time she started using the potty and instigated many oh many "Caroline tinkled on the potty" celebratory parades.
- Jordan was well ambushed and abused by Loretta on many occasions and Sammy took a very real liking to Jordan too - smiling like crazy whenever Jordan came near.
- Sammy pretty much wrapped everyone around his little finger and I have a feeling he'll keep us there for a very long time.
- I got to see New Moon and enjoyed it. Much better than Twilight, but still the acting is sorely laking (with the exception of a few).
- Chris, Trish, John, and Ed all went to New Orleans to see the Pats play the Saints and misbehave appropriately.
- Mom equipped me with enough reading material to last me at least half a year, as well as, the time to actually get some reading done during the day... for pleasure...unheard of people!
- Loretta tied Paul up and made him walk the plank
- Loretta tried out my flag and actually did some pretty good moves - she only watched me once and she was mimicking my movements.
- Santa stopped by for a visit and the girls were absolutely thrilled to see him - asking where his reindeer were.
- The house was a winter wonderland complete with outdoor lights set to music. It was so amazing.
- Grandma Clifford taught me part of a song that she use to sing to my dad which I have now sung to Sammy dozens of times:
He's all the world to me
He climbed upon my knee
To me he'll always be
That little boy of mine.
There is so much more to share, but I'll close for now with some pictures and videos. Love to all!