Well, we had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Santa was very good to us. It's really starting to be fun now, with the girls being old enough to "get it". We baked cookies and decorated the tree. Loretta asked each member of the family what they wanted from Santa and then drew Christmas Wish Lists (pictures) and put them in each of our stockings for Santa to find. The kids made reindeer food at daycare and we left cookies and milk out for Santa on Christmas eve. We watched a hundred different Christmas shows and read Twas the Night Before Christmas. Traditions we've done with the kids from their first Christmas, but this was the first year they really got it and it made it so much more fun.
We spent Christmas morning opening presents at our house and Christmas day at Grandma and Grandpa T's. New Years Eve was very low key. The kids went to bed regular time and John and I did a mock count down at 10:00 PM, then I went to bed. Truth is we were both exhausted and we needed a calm night.
I have to admit though there is a part of me that is really happy the holidays are over and we can get back into a routine. Especially for me and my weight loss goals. Unfortunately, as Meg described in her blog, I jumped on a grenade so to speak, taking one for the team, by eating more than my share of cookies and holiday treats. I wouldn't want the kids to get too hyped up on sugar after all, but also because the sweets of this time of year are an important part of making the holidays special (at least for me - for as long as I can remember with my mom baking delicious cookies and fudge, etc.). Granted, I had no business partaking of that this year, but I did anyway and what's done is done.
Now, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the task ahead of me to reclaim my body, but I know the end result will be worth all the hard work. I think the most difficult part is going to be figuring out the logistics around workouts and caring for 3 kids, but as always John is very supportive of my endeavors so I know we'll figure it out. Ultimately, I just want to be proud of myself, my body, my health. I want my girls to look up to me and, yes I know it sounds shallow, but I want them to think their mommy is pretty. I know I always thought my mom was so beautiful. Still do, but especially when I was young. I remember watching her get ready to go to dinner with Dad, dressing up and putting on her nice necklace, earrings and perfume and thinking she was the most beautiful looking woman with her dark hair and light blue eyes. So, yes, it would be nice if they thought me pretty, but I also want them to see me as strong and healthy and as someone who makes exercise and good health a priority in their life. I have to admit that John's faithfulness to exercise is unwavering and steadfast. I'm lucky that way, because I think if I was married to someone who didn't make it such a priority and was more capricious about working out I'd probably find myself fickle about exercising too. I can't always live up to his level of dedication to exercise, but it's great motivator for me nonetheless.
So this week all the usual routines pick back up. Gymnastics for Loretta on Tuesdays, swim classes for both girls on Sundays, well visits, sick visits, h1n1 shots, and figuring out healthy meals for me and them that we all will eat. It's time to take the Christmas decorations down and pack them away again until next year but that never makes me sad because I just think about how much fun I have unpacking them again next December (even with John's grumbles and moans). The stockings made by mom, my favorite Gloria ornament and glowing angel, the glittery ornaments crafted by the kids, so much more. It's nice to know that in less than 12 months we'll be unpacking these items and once again making the holidays magical for our kids. It's wonderful to know we have that to look forward too, but even better to think about all of the other things we have to look forward to before that happens over the next 12 months. Sledding and ice skating, valentines, the Easter Bunny, birthdays, vacations, running through sprinklers, sleep overs with friends, eating picnic lunches and grilling dinner outside, lighting bugs and flashlight walks, learning to ride bikes, starting kindergarten, jumping in piles of leaves, going trick-or-treating...so much to look forward to and all before our next Christmas.
So, I'll leave you with some pictures and a video or two. We are all wishing you a happy and healthy 2010!