I absolutely adore this little man. He’s so awesome. He’s my snuggle monkey, my wrestling partner, my sunshine and giggles. He squeals like a little girl (thanks to his two big sisters) and vroom’s his cars constantly. He bobs his head when dancing and loves to sneak up the stairs and call for me, in hopes that I’ll chase him down the hallway and tickle him senseless. He plays chase with the girls and when we are up early together in the morning and the girls come staggering down the stairs in their sleepiness he lights up like a sunrise when he sees them, as they do in return. When John comes home from work he’s just as eager as the girls to rush up and meet him at the door giving him hugs and love. He is a complete sweetheart and my heart swells with love for him. Seriously, these days my heart is so full for my family, that my chest almost feels too small to contain it.
I can’t even imagine our life without this little guy. It’s like he’s been with us forever, in the wings, watching and waiting to complete our family.