double rainbow

Friday, March 28, 2008
I Wheel!
Loretta: I wheel.
Mommy: Loretta, get your finger out of your nose.
Loretta: I WHEEL!
Don't ask me how our girl, born and raised in New England, got a southern accent, but apparently she has. But it only surfaces when she says "I will". I can tell you she doesn't get it from me. Trust me John wouldn't let me hear the end of it if she did. Now all we need is for her to start saying "wicked" ;o).
Caroline is 9 months old today. She's been officially crawling for the last 2 weeks now. Baby gates are coming out of the basement and she's already uprooted one plant, so up high they go. I can't believe in 3 short months or so, probably by this summer, she'll be walking. I also can't wait for my parents to see her in May. She's changed so much since Christmas and she's just the happiest baby. She smiles all the time.
Weight loss update: no update. stalled out and trying to re motivate.
Meaghan had her baby!!!! a baby girl they named Isabel. I'm so happy for them. Meaghan is such a good mom to her boys and I'm so glad she has a girl to share her love with now too. I can't wait to hold her when Loretta and I go down in June. Which reminds me, Loretta is still having a hard time with the move. A couple of nights ago she woke up crying, real sobbing tears, and all I could get out of the sleepy girl was she was crying because she wanted Alex and Devin. Broke my heart. Those Blakes are well loved by all us Tarnuzzers!
Love to all!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
What's new:
John and I have an appointment for our tattoo while we are in Florida. I'm so excited to get my second and can't believe after all this time John is getting his first. It will be cool too, his family crest. The shop assured me they could come up with something beautiful for me on the spot. Oh, Florida, we are going to this amazingly swanky resort in Saint Petersburg. I can't wait! and Mom and DAd are coming up here to watch the girls - so Loretta and Caroline will have an absolute blast and I know John and I can enjoy ourselves knowing how well they'll be spoiled, um I mean, taken care of ;o)
weight loss update: big fat nothing this week and this weekend will be hard with kids birthday party and easter breakfast on Sunday. Oh well, keeping at it. I'll get there eventually.
WE are doing a 5k run on May 18th. I have only made it 2.5 miles so far, so I'll have to get cracking. It's our way of remembering Meg's neice Brianna and the Tarnuzzer family will all be wearing our purple Brianna bracelets.
Love to all!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Dimples and Tattoos
Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks. All is good here. This week Caroline is working on tooth number 3 and surprisingly, for the first time, I really took notice of her dimples! She has to smile just right and she has one deep dimple in her left cheek and one tiny dimple close to the crease of her smile on the right side. Looks like her smile might be a bit crooked like moms, but much much cuter than moms!
Loretta is doing so awesome these days. Her favorite special treat for great behavior is a temporary tattoo, the girl is covered in them, I fear we may have created a monster ;o) She is such a loving big sister, although when she decides Caroline needs to be moved she just grabs an arm or leg like a caveman and pulls. Regular visits to the naughty step for that! Yesterday John found her lining up chairs in front of the fire place b/c she didn't want Caroline to roll into it. She is very thoughtful and when the two girls see each other their smiles can light up a room. They are both so enamored with one another. It's really sweet to witness and I'm so happy that the girls each have a sister (not that I feel I missed out at all, I've always had Meaghan (sister of my heart) and once I was older, Trish ;o).
Florida update: we finally heard the dates, but not the where. We are going May 6th through the 9th (if I can convince John to stay over one day). I can't wait to find out where so I can start researching tattoo artists.
Weight loss update: Down 13 in 10 weeks. Woohoo!!! I just ordered Turbo Jam which looks like a lot of fun. It should get her in the next week. Now if I can just figure out a way to get a workout in at home. It's funny how much easier it is to pack up both girls and take them to the Y then to try to workout to a dvd at home. Ideally I'd like to lose another 15, but I know it's unlikely before Florida. Either way I'm really proud of what I've accomplished so far.
Paul is losing weight too which is so wonderful. I know he knows how much we love him and worry about him. I know if he keeps it up his life will be better for it (and health of course).
Ok, closing for now. Love to all!