John and I have decided he's going to have to perfect the, "if you even think about touching my daughter I will (insert life threatening profanity laden content here) to the other side of (more inappropriate content) and make you wish you were never (^&*%$& &^%$%@#$&^) born" look.
I saw some recent photo's of the boys on Meg's blog (linked on my page) and I can't get over those two. Such little men! I can't wait to see them (hopefully in June) and meet the newest Blake addition (bring on the girl power!).
What's really crazy is pictures of Jordan these days! He's practically a full grown man! I still have the picture of us eating cookie dough together on my mantle (he was two at the time). I can't believe in a few short years he'll be driving!
Take care all!
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