I'm quite certain I will not be able to do the month of May justice, but I'll try...
It has been an amazing month. We started off the month in Naples for John's work conference which is always so well done. Mom, Dad and Paul met us down there to help out with the girls and ended up taking them every night OVER NIGHT! What a relaxing thrill! I got to enjoy John's nightly work events worry free and sleep until whenever... It was a dream! Loretta and Caroline LOVED spending time with their Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Paul. Swimming and exploring the zoo and eating yummy treats and collecting shells. Caroline gave nightly serenades to everyone and Loretta (taking after her mother) teased Grandpa and Uncle Paul by clinging to them one second and wanting nothing to do with them the next! A true brat in the making!

It was so nice spending some quality time with the family and I'm so glad the girls got some alone time with them and they got to see just how they have changed over the last year. They both took right to my parents and Paul - all the phone conversations and pictures helped Caroline to feel right at home with Mom.
Next major event was Memorial Day weekend. We spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa T's on Sunday where the kids had an absolute blast rolling down the hill and eating hotdogs and watermelon.

John had to work on Monday, but the girls and I attended the town parade, got to see the big fighter jets fly over and then had some serious play time in the pool. Loretta can be such a great big sister when she wants to be. She really has a good heart and loves her little sister, who trusts her completely with her safety... Now, trust her with a toy, oh no, but her life... SURE!

Last, but certainly not least, was Loretta's 4th Birthday Party. What a wonderful day. We had fantastic weather, tons and tons of great friends and family, sprinkler fun, pinata fun, hot dogs, tattoos, cake, water balloons, it just went on and on. Both girls were absolute troopers. Caroline hung tough and never got over tired. Loretta was a perfect little host giving her friends chips and dip and more chips and dip. We may have sent a few adventurers home with poison ivy, but what can you do??? Seriously though, we couldn't have asked for a better day. After the party (and failed nap attempts) we actually took the kids to the park where Loretta ran into a friend who couldn't make the party and learned how to jump off the moving swing! All in all it was a pretty perfect day. Thanks to everyone who shared in Loretta's big day.

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