double rainbow

double rainbow

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Loretta!

 Loretta - 2011 almost 6
 Loretta 2005 - about 7 months

 Loretta 2008 - 3 years
 Loretta 2009 - 4 years
 Loretta 2007 - 2 years
Loretta 2006 - 15 months
It's hard to believe that 6 years ago today Loretta came into our lives and changed John and I from a couple to a family.  All of a sudden we went from being husband and wife (a new concept to us then) to father and mother. 

From the moment Loretta was born she knew exactly what she wanted and to this day she's not afraid to vocalize those wants.  I admire that about her.  She doesn't just wear her emotions on her sleeve, she waves them like a banner for everyone to see.  When Loretta is happy, you know it, it's like a light pulsing around her.  When Loretta is sad or hurt, you know it, you hurt for her.  There is no guessing to what she is feeling or thinking, it's laid out in techno color for the world to see.

I've never known anyone so determined to be seen and heard, to have fun and to be loved.  Loretta knows how to get the most out of every experience, I admire that about her too. 

Happy birthday to my smart, beautiful, strong girl!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Happy Birthday Loretta!!! You are so very special to me. I am as proud of you as is possible and I've loved everything about you since the day you came into our lives. Have a Wonderful Day sweet girl. We will call you tonight.
Love, Love, Love you