double rainbow

double rainbow

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Potential of Love

borrowed from

I will never miss the days when I was so ready to get married and start a family with someone I loved and of course someone who would love me back, beyond all reason.  Those were tough days of wishing and hoping and doubting if it will ever happen.  And when I did find the person I thought was "the one" there was that lag time between when I knew he was the one, but he wasn't moving as fast as I wanted to.  Wondering if I'd made a mistake, if the time we'd spent together was, while wonderful, time lost to finding the right someone I would share the rest of my life with.  Afraid I'd been barking up the wrong tree, and I realize in that metaphor I'm the impatiently barking dog and John's the stubborn unmoving tree, but if the shoe fits....

I wouldn't change where my life has brought me for anything.  But, there is a small part of me that will miss never again experiencing that first, maybe, real potential here, exciting and nervous and anxious and heart stuttering first moments of falling in love.

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